Financial Planning: Why you should work with a CFP certified advisor
It's a big myth that financial planning is something only the wealthy need to do. It doesn't matter whether you earn $50,000 a year or $500,000 a year. No matter what your income and assets look like, you need to make the most of your money and resources. And that's...
Small Business: How small business are being squeezed for affordable loans
More than three-quarters of small business owners say they are concerned about their ability to access capital as banking stress prompts smaller institutions to tighten credit, according to our 10,000 Small Businesses Voices initiative, which conducts regular surveys...
Retirement: Are you getting the advice you need?
The years leading up to retirement are among the most consequential in any person’s financial life — and nearly one-third of people choose to go it alone. A new GOBankingRates of more than 1,000 American adults found that 31% of 55- to 64-year-olds are not seeking...
Life Insurance – Do I have enough?
Not a lot of people like to talk about life insurance, but one of the most important questions you should be asking yourself when you do talk about it is: Do I have enough? The general purpose of life insurance when you are talking about family planning is to provide...
Teacher Retirement: How should teacher couples invest?
Teaching America’s youth and trying to hold onto your sanity at the same time can be a struggle. Especially if both spouses have chosen the most thank-less career path, being an educator. A lot of educators don't have the time to spend to research all the options...
Five financial items you should consider before December 31st
We’ve only got a few weeks left in 2015, and I’m sure you are looking for something else to stress about during the holiday season, besides those family members shacking up with you for a few weeks (yes you cousin Eddie).
So let’s look at a few financial to-do’s you might want to review with your financial advisor before the end of 2015.
Should I invest in a Roth IRA?
Should I invest in a Roth IRA? This is a common question we are asked when sitting down with investors and going over their investment options. A Roth IRA is an individual retirement account that allows you to contribute after-tax money to use for ….
Should I use my 401k to pay off my mortgage when I retire?
At retirement, a very common question we are asked is, “Should I use my 401k from work to pay off my mortgage when I retire?” This article explains the possible advantages and disadvantages of using your retirement funds to ….
When is it OK to sell during a market downturn?
Have you thought about selling your investment portfolio during a market downturn? Many people fight this emotion often, but when is it OK to sell when the market falls? This article explains…
Texas TRS Retirement: Should I take the Partial Lump Sum Option (PLSO)?
A very common question from the teachers/administrators who are covered by the Texas Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) is: “Should I take the partial lump sum option, or PLSO?” This article explains what you should consider…
Top 5 Questions You Should Ask Your Financial Advisor
Are you about to hire a new financial advisor? What questions should you come prepared with? This article gives you the…
How do I save for retirement after I’ve maxed out my 401k?
What can I do to save for retirement after I’ve maxed out my 401k? This is a common question we get asked. It’s also a great problem to have – as that usually means you have extra income each month after you have paid your living expenses. This article talks about a few options…
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