Our Financial Process

We realize you have a busy life—that’s why we bring the meeting to you! If you’re in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metro area (as well as North and East Texas), we’ll meet where it’s most convenient for you. If you’re not in our area, we’ll meet virtually (which might be even more convenient!). We can also meet in our Addison office if you prefer.

Our Process

We realize you have a busy life—that’s why we bring the meeting to you! If you’re in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metro area (as well as North and East Texas), we’ll meet where it’s most convenient for you. If you’re not in our area, we’ll meet virtually (which might be even more convenient!). We can also meet in our Addison office if you prefer.

What Makes Us Different?

Imagine being able to knock out a retirement analysis in one meeting with an independent advisor from the comfort of your own home or office. Sound simple? Good- we want the process to be as easy as possible while providing advice that really makes an impact.

With every plan we offer:

  • Clarification of your goals
  • Your Net Worth Statement
  • Initial Cash Flow Statement
  • Proper Emergency Fund
  • Risk Tolerance Score and Investment Objective
  • Estimate of Your Tax Situation
  • Initial Retirement Projections
  • Action Item Checklist

Ready to Get Started ?

Our Services

We have options that don’t require you to open any accounts with us to start a relationship (many financial advisors will require you to invest money with them to have access to financial planning). However, we understand that it takes time to get to know and trust your financial advisors. We’re confident that after a One-time plan, you’ll want to keep working with us (even if that means using the One-time plan option when you need an update on your retirement picture).

So, what does the process look like? It’s pretty simple. The first thing you should do is schedule a meeting with us—you can schedule a free initial consultation or go straight to the planning meeting. You’ll gather some information prior to the planning meeting that we’ll need to run the numbers. When you’re ready, we’ll meet at the location that’s most convenient for you, answer your most pressing questions, and build a financial plan together. After the meeting, we’ll review the plan in detail and then send you a finalized snapshot of your situation, along with the formal plan.

Bottom Line—Our goal is to get your top questions answered and a plan put together from an independent advisor in one meeting at the place that’s most convenient for you. If you choose to have an ongoing relationship with us, we’ll continue to revisit the plan and tweak it. We’ll also provide investment management services and you’ll have unlimited access to us for any and all questions.

Ready to get started? Click here to set up your first planning meeting.

Still have questions? Click here to set up an initial consultation.